Tours of Tuscany

Tours of Tuscany
Join this small group tour and immerse yourself in the current of sensation for a week of food, wine and culture in Tuscany.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Conclusion of Italian Week for 2010

Dear friends of Italian Week

With the Conclusion of Italian Week 2010, we are happy to report that this year’s events saw yet another increase in the growth and support for the Italian Governments initiative of celebrating Italian Culture and lifestyle.

The week’s events commenced with the The Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Campbell Newman launch Italian Week 2010 for media and sponsors at the Treasury Casino congratulating the organizers for creating a high level event that showcased Italy’s enormously rich artistic and cultural heritage.

The Lord Mayor delighted the audience with his promise of sustaining Italian Week in a significantly manner for the next 3 years, saying that he would " to sit down with the organizers to develop a strategy for further developing the long term vision of the project".

Italian Week 2010 was off to a great start and the Lord Mayor joined the celebrations opening a bottle of fine Chianti and offering the audience his enthusiastic support.

Events spread out over the 10 days of this year’s festival saw the town of Stanthorpe participate in a series of events featuring a motor vehicle rally and concerts in the Queensland Wine College supporting the Italian Immersion Program coordinated by the Stanthorpe State High School. The combined events enable Italian Week to raise and donate over $1700 towards the upcoming trip to Italy for the students of Italian at the School.

The many events showcased throughout the program included: cinema, fine dining, cooking exhibitions, motor vehicle exhibitions, theatre, musical concerts, orchestral performances, art history discussions, coffee courses, book launches, Italian Waiters Races, workshops, and Italian Markets.

Lovers of food and wine were not disappointed when the Italian Cultural Institution of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina   officially launched in Brisbane at a dinner hosted by Gusto da Gianni at Portside. The entertaining event was celebrated with the assistance of special guests including international singing sensation Patrizio Buanne, Lisa Hunt, Anna Maria La Spina and Australian Idol winner Natalie Gauci and Brisbane’s own Veronica and Shadi Abraham winner of this year’s My Kitchen Rules.

During the Official celebrations for the Festa della Repubblica, hosted by the Consul of Italy, Dr Francesco Capecchi, the minister for Multicultural Affairs Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk MP received loud applause and gratitude when she thanked the Hon. Grace Grace M.P. for lobbying both Multicultural Affairs and the State Government for support. The Minister announced that Multicultural Affairs would contribute $5,000 to Italian Week 2010 and that the Premier, the Hon. Ms. Anna Bligh, MLA would support Italian Week 2011 with funding of $20,000

We are proud to announce that support and partnership will continue with our Cultural Partner GoMA for next year as well as a commitment from the Commonwealth Bank to once again support Italian Week into 2011

Our Comm Team, Sequel Communications reported media coverage reached an audience of approximately 18.7 million people across Australia. This was a significant increase on last year’s audience figures that estimated media coverage reached 6.9 million people in 2009. Media Highlights included Qantas What’s On program where we successfully negotiated free airtime to promote Italian Week 2010 on Qantas’ QNews video which showcased the ‘What’s On’ segment to an estimated 930,000 passengers throughout May.

Once again our Print Media partner dedicated the front page of Brisbane News and a double page spread promoting a range of activities for Italian Week 2010 and the history of Italian culture in Brisbane.

A Feature article in The Australian  during Italian Week with a large, color feature article about the inaugural Australian Commedia Dell’Arte Festival described the festival’s artistic highlights in detail and was a real coup in promoting Brisbane’s Italian Week on the national media stage.

Multiple stories promoting the week appeared in the Sunday Mail, Queensland’s highest-selling newspaper. This included an article on the festival’s premier film event – Dall’Italia All’Australia – plus social photos and coverage in Damien Anthony Rossi’s column in the Sunday Mail. You can see a list of Media on this page

We wish to once again thank our official sponsors  and supporters who contributed to this year’s Italian Week success and growth and look forward to collaborating once again in 2011

You may like to have a look at some of the photo galleries on this link

It is with considerable pride that on behalf of Italian Week we report that we were able to raise over $1800.00 for the Hear and Say Centre toward the work they do with children who are born deaf and the invaluable therapies which the Hear and Say Centre provide toward the work they do with children who are born deaf and the invaluable therapies which the Hear and Say Centre provide

Once again we have some exciting new collaborations for 2011 and are looking forward to creating the best Italian Week yet in 2011 – we hope you will continue to join us in celebrating the culture, lifestyle and artistry of Italy.

Thursday, July 1, 2010



Ogni anno, il 2 Giugno viene celebrata la Festa delle Repubblica italiana, festa nazionale per eccellenza.

Dal 2000 la festa è diventata anche giorno festivo su richiesta principalmente dell’allora Presidente della Repubblica, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, su iniziativa del governo Amato.

La data vuole ricordare il primo referendum istituzionale che si tenne il 2 e il 3 Giugno 1946, con il quale i cittadini italiani furono chiamati a scegliere la futura forma di governo dello Stato, Monarchia o Repubblica, dopo la caduta del regime fascista.

Il popolo italiano venne inoltre chiamato ad eleggere i rappresentanti dell’Assemblea Costituente, organo preposto alla stesura di una Costituzione scritta.

La Monarchia ricevette 10 718 502 voti favorevoli, mentre la Repubblica 12 718 641; nacque così la Repubblica Italiana, con la conseguenza che i monarchi di casa Savoia, dopo circa 85 anni di regno, venivano esiliati.

La vittoria repubblicana vide L’Italia dividersi, infatti al Centro-Nord vinse in particolar modo la scelta repubblicana, mentre al Sud Italia vinse la Monarchia.

A Ravenna, città maggiormente repubblicana (91.2%) si contrapponeva Messina con circa l’ 85.4% dei voti favorevoli alla Monarchia.

Il referendum del 1946 viene anche ricordato perché questo fu il primo ad essere indetto a suffragio universale: finalmente anche le donne andarono alle urne e poterono votare.

Da questo momento a tutt’oggi, tutti gli uomini e le donne che abbiano compiuto la maggiore età (inizialmente 21 anni, successivamente 18 anni) hanno il potere-dovere di votare. Potere perché è una facoltà a loro attribuita, dovere perché dovrebbe essere inteso dalle persone come una sorta di impegno politico-sociale.

Il 2 Giugno festeggia quindi la nascita della nazione così come i francesi ricordano la Presa della Bastiglia il 14 Luglio di ogni anno, o come gli americani ricordano la dichiarazione d’indipendenza il 4 Luglio.

Prima che fosse dichiarata la Repubblica, festa nazionale era il primo Giugno,anniversario della concessione dello Statuto Albertino. Questo, definito anche “Legge fondamentale perpetua ed irrevocabile della Monarchia”, fu emanato dal re di Sardegna Carlo Alberto di Savoia-Carignano il 4 Marzo 1848.

Con la fondazione del Regno D’Italia, nel 1861, lo Statuto Albertino divenne la carta fondamentale della nuova nazione unita e rimase tale fino al 1946 circa.

Espressione della volontà del sovrano, lo Statuto era composto da 81 articoli, 22 dei quali volti a definire i poteri del re. Al re infatti spettava il potere esecutivo e giudiziario. Poteva poi partecipare al potere legislativo insieme al Parlamento. Il sistema di rappresentanza era bicamerale: i membri del Senato venivano nominati dal re; per quanto riguarda la Camera dei Deputati invece, a questa potevano accedervi i rappresentanti della nazione votati tramite un particolare sistema elettorale.

Lo Statuto Albertino si caratterizzava per la sua natura “flessibile”, in quanto poteva essere modificato attraverso la normale procedura parlamentare, ogni volta che si riteneva opportuno.

Ad ogni modo, può ritenersi un primo esempio di Costituzione breve.

Lo stesso giorno del referendum istituzionale, gli italiani furono chiamati anche ad eleggere i membri dell’Assemblea Costituente.

Quest’organo si occupò principalmente della stesura della nuova Costituzione. Essa però aveva anche altri compiti quali: approvare il bilancio, ratificare i vari trattati internazionali, votare la fiducia al governo, ecc.

La Costituzione della Repubblica italiana è una legge fondamentale, approvata e pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale nel 1947 ed entrata in vigore dal 1° Gennaio 1948.

E’ formata da 134 articoli e divisa in 4 sezioni:

-principi fondamentali,

-diritti e doveri dei cittadini,

-articoli inerenti l’ordinamento della Repubblica,

-disposizioni transitorie e finali.

Ciò che distingue principalmente l’attuale Costituzione dallo Statuto Albertino è il fatto che essa è una costituzione rigida, cioè le sue disposizioni possono essere modificate, integrate o abrogate solo mediante procedure lunghe e complesse.

La Costituzione è inoltre lunga, votata, scritta e democratica, caratteristiche queste che la differenziano dalle costituzioni di molti altri paesi.

Ad esempio in Gran Bretagna, la Costituzione è solo in forma orale.

E’ lunga in quanto non contiene solo norme sulle fonti del diritto, ma è composta anche da diverse disposizioni in settori del “vivere civile”; è votata dai diversi rappresentanti del popolo italiano; è democratica perché attribuisce un ruolo attivo al popolo italiano.

In Italia, il 2 Giugno di ogni anno quindi, hanno luogo diverse cerimonie ufficiali per ricordare la festa della Repubblica e anche in tutte le ambasciate all’estero si tengono festeggiamenti e celebrazioni.

Nel 1948 ai Fori Imperiali di Roma si svolse la prima parata militare in onore della Repubblica Italiana.

Attualmente è prevista la deposizione di una corona d’alloro al Milite Ignoto presso l’Altare della Patria (il cosiddetto Vittoriale) a Roma e la tradizionale parata militare in presenza delle più alte cariche dello Stato e di alcuni rappresentanti dell’ONU, della NATO e dell’Unione Europea. La parata dura circa 80-90 minuti e a questa prendono parte tutte le Forze Armate (Polizia, Vigili del Fuoco, Croce Rossa Italiana..).

Nella stessa giornata vengono inoltre aperti al pubblico i giardini del Palazzo del Quirinale, sede della Presidenza della Repubblica Italiana. Tutto ciò è poi accompagnato da esecuzioni musicali.

La festa della Repubblica è sicuramente un evento che ci fa ricordare i simboli della nostra Patria.

Lo stemma della Repubblica Italiana è composto da una stella bianca a cinque punte (detta anche Stellone D’Italia) sovrapposta a una ruota dentata d’acciaio, un ramo di ulivo a sinistra e uno di quercia a destra.

Sin dall’epoca risorgimentale, la stella è la tradizionale rappresentazione simbolica dell’Italia ed è uno degli oggetti più antichi utilizzati nell’iconografia italiana. Fino al 1890 circa comparve nel grande stemma del Regno d’Italia e oggi indica inoltre l’appartenenza alle Forze Armate del nostro Paese.

La ruota dentata d’acciaio è il simbolo dell’attività lavorativa e traduce il primo articolo della Costituzione: “L’Italia è una Repubblica democratica, fondata sul lavoro”.

Il ramo di ulivo vuole indicare la volontà di pace della Nazione, a livello interno ma anche per quanto riguarda un’armonia internazionale. La quercia invece, simboleggia la forza e la dignità del popolo italiano. Ad ogni modo, entrambi sono espressione delle specie arboree più presenti nel nostro Paese.

La Bandiera italiana è il Tricolore tradizionale: verde, bianco e rosso, a tre bande di uguale dimensione così come recitato all’articolo 12 della nostra Costituzione.

Il tricolore nasce nel Gennaio del 1797 a Reggio Emilia, quando il Parlamento della Repubblica Cispadana stabilisce che si renda universale la Bandiera Cispadana di tre colori.

Quando Napoleone Bonaparte attraversò L’Italia infatti, numerose repubbliche di ispirazione giacobina e molti reparti militari che affiancavano l’esercito francese adottarono, con varianti di colore, bandiere caratterizzate da tre fasce di uguali dimensioni, ispirati chiaramente al modello repubblicano francese del 1790.

Proprio i vessilli dei reggimenti della Legione Lombarda presentavano i colori bianco, rosso e verde che erano fortemente radicati nel patrimonio comune di questa regione: il bianco e il rosso erano presenti nell’antico stemma comunale di Milano, mentre il verde era la tonalità delle uniformi della Guardia Civile milanese.

L’Inno nazionale della Repubblica Italiana è il Canto degli Italiani, meglio conosciuto come Fratelli d’Italia o l’Inno di Mameli.

Scritto nel 1847 dallo studente e patriota Goffredo Mameli, allora ventenne, fu musicato a Torino poco tempo dopo.

L’inno nazionale nacque in un clima di fervore patriottico che già preludeva alla guerra contro l’Austria e fu associato alla Bandiera Tricolore poiché simboleggiavano la voglia d’indipendenza nazionale.

Tutti gli inni patriottici (tra cui l’Inno di Mameli) ebbero importanti funzioni, nel senso che contribuirono a propagandare gli ideali del Risorgimento e incitarono la popolazione all’insurrezione. I versi così immediati e la melodia impetuosa fecero dell’Inno di Mameli il canto più amato e popolare dell’unificazione.

Basti ricordare che proprio intonando l’attuale Inno d’Italia, Garibaldi “nell’impresa dei Mille” conquistò l’Italia meridionale e portò a termine la riunificazione nazionale.

L’inno accompagnò anche la Presa di Roma nel 1870, la guerra libica e naturalmente la Prima Guerra Mondiale

Fu quasi naturale quindi, che nel 1946 l’Inno di Mameli divenisse l’inno nazionale della Repubblica Italiana.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Launch of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina at Gusto da Gianni

Italian Cooking Lessons at Treasury Casino

Italian Cooking Lessons at Reddacliff Place

Italian Market Day

Italian Motor Rally to Stanthorpe

Commonwealth Bank concert in the Mall

Italian Waiters Race in Queen Street Mall

Media Launch Italian Week With the Lord Mayor

Peter Cupples and Jon English in Concert in Stanthorpe

The boys performing in the Queensland College of Wine in Stanthorpe - a great night was had by all

Unscrewed in the Vineyard

Mr Peter Cupples and Mr Jon English unscrewed in the Vineyard during filming and later on stage as part of Italian Week - Perfroamnce in Stanthorpe.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Selection of Italian Week 2010 Media coverage

A selection of articles in the print media regarding Italian Week - this is not an exhaustive list.

The Australian Commedia Festival

The Front Cover of Brisbane News

Kylie Lang’s Brisbane News Editorial

Dominique Rizzo

Brisbane News Feature

Brisbane News Biaggio

English Goes Italian

Courier Mail Ciao From Italy

Italian Week In Town Warwick Times

City News Social Pages

La Fiamma Settimana Italiana

Get Your Motor Running City South News

Dante Ballarino Courier Mail

Italian Week Stanthorpe Free Times

Italian Week Feature Border Post

Italian Cuisine Courier Mail

Italian Waiters Race City News

Italian Car Rally Border Post

Attivita Della Settimana Italiana La Fiamma

Sunday Mail Social Pages

Commedia Festival Courier Mail

Accademia Courier Mail

The Australian Commedia Festival

THE world premiere of a work by a man who embodies the history and spirit of the commedia dell' arte theatre tradition was going to take place outdoors this weekend in an amphitheatre, alongside Lake Macdonald in Cooroy, Queensland.

Antonio Fava, who runs a school in Italy teaching the subtle skills of the classic commedia masks, was to have presented Pulcinellata Nera, a "little opera in words, lazzi [jokes] and music in the style of the Neapolitan commedia dell'arte", bringing to the Sunshine Coast hinterland the best of this centuries-old tradition.

That plan came unstuck. The idea of Pulcinella and all the other zanni from the classic tales of love and deception, greed and trickery, gathering in Gympie, which was to have been the centre of a weekend festival for actors, teachers and audiences, was too ambitious.

Organiser Tony Kishawi, a commedia aficionado and teacher, was faced with the impending cancellation of all the workshops, lectures and performances of his inaugural Australasian commedia dell'arte festival.

But, in the comic tradition, just when all looked hopeless, a surprising intervention turned around the plot. It's now heading for a happy ending which, Kishawi hopes, will also be a beginning.

Today and across the weekend, the Australasian Commedia dell'Arte Festival, celebrating the living tradition of this exuberant theatre, will be held at the Kelvin Grove campus of Queensland University of Technology as part of Brisbane Italian Week.

It was fortuitous coincidence, Kishawi says, that Italian Week this year was scheduled for the same weekend, and when he started talking to Alessandro Sorbello, producer of Italian Week, he realised that event, which is supported by the Italian government and the Brisbane City Council, provided the perfect framework on which to construct and develop his commedia festival.

"Commedia is like stamp collecting," Kishawi says. "Those who know about it are passionate, but it's hard to know how to sell it."

The most recognisable element of commedia is the masks that distinguish the different character types, from the young lovers, always foiled in their love-making, to the old miserly Pantalone, who beats up his poor servant Arlecchino (precursor of the romantic Harlequin) but inevitably is tricked in the end.

Kishawi was drawn to the commedia tradition by the masks. Brought up in a performing family and trained at the Victorian College of the Arts, Kishawi began to develop his own mask work as a street performer, eventually realising he would need to train in Italy with Fava if he were to understand the art properly.

"It felt like I was at home," he says of the time he spent learning commedia skills in Italy. "Fava is really the keeper of the form, he just emanates the essence of commedia, and I was able to understand."

Back in Australia, Kishawi set about trying to develop a commedia troupe, lecturing in drama schools as he sought out like-minded people with whom to work. For many years he lived and worked out of a circus bus, touring across the country, until eventually he settled in Gympie, where he creates performances for the boutique Heritage Theatre.

It was meeting a couple of other commedia experts - performers Antonio (Giri) Mazzella and Giovanni (Sanjiva) Margio - in Perth at the Northbridge Festival that set in train the chain of events that have led to Kishawi planning this commedia festival.

Mazzella and Margio, who run the Commedia Academy of Australia, will be performing today and tomorrow at the festival, presenting both traditional commedia and their contemporary Australian version.

The traditional part is explaining to audiences the different characters and how the tradition developed. The contemporary part is their irreverent performance under the guise of the Black Nonnas: tough women dressed in widow's weeds, "escaped from the suburbs, on the hunt for cheap coffee and husbands, preferably with very large tractors", Mazzella says.

Margio describes this kind of performance as "theatre of the wolf: if I don't eat you, you are going to eat me".

"There's no hunger in Australia except what you feel 10 minutes before the barbie is ready, but that hunger is what fuelled the commedia actors, what pushed their performance," Mazzella says. "If they didn't work, if it wasn't good, if the audience weren't grabbed, then the performers didn't eat."

Margio says when they teach commedia, they cannot be so strict about technique that they kill the gut impulse of actors. "It's about teaching the spirit of commedia, and then taking that into its modern form."

The actors have devoted their lives to commedia, touring Australia and overseas with their traditional and contemporary shows. They get cross at the continuing ignorance of people who are delighted by the performances, but then ask, "But what's your day job?"

"It's a profession but we have to keep explaining it," Mazzella says. "We have seen an exciting surge of interest in commedia productions. Many people have heard about it, but they've never seen it performed. Hopefully this festival will start to redress that lack."

Kishawi says he is talking to other venues in Brisbane and there are positive signs this new festival will continue. With its place as part of Italian Week, there is now a platform on which to build. With the Italians already involved and interest being shown from the US where there is a strong commedia presence, Kishawi is confident the idea is a good one. He is launching a book on teaching commedia, called Spirit of the Mask, this weekend at the festival.

"Everyone knows the classic gags of commedia, but learning to perform takes years of experience," Kishawi says. "I always say it's like pilots and flying time: you have to do it for many years to have the best skills."

The Commedia dell'Arte Festival, part of Brisbane Italian Week, is at Woodward Theatre, Queensland University of Technology, until Sunday. Antonio Fava performs Pulcinellata Nera on Sunday, 4pm and 7pm.

Monday, April 26, 2010




“Pulcinellata Nera” - Black Comedy alla Pulcinella

SUNDAY 30 MAY 2010

A Little Opera in words, lazzi and music in the style of the Neapolitan Commedia dell’Arte by world reknown and master of the Commedia dell’Arte form..... Antonio Fava

6.15pm Pre performance drinks and nibbles

7.00pm Opening of World Premier Gala Event
             Welcome to distinguished guests, performers, presenters, Ladies and Gentlemen

7.15pm “ Pulcinellata Nera “ performance by Antonio Fava and - Cecilio Di Donato

What: World Premier Performance - “Pulcinellata Nera”
Where:Woodward Theatre - QUT Kelvin Grove Campus
When: Sunday 30 May, 2010 - 6.15pm for 7.00pm

Ticket price: Adults: $45.00 pp VIP drinks & nibbles    Children: $13.00 per person




“Pulcinellata Nera” - Black Comedy alla Pulcinella

A Little Opera in words, lazzi and music in the style of the Neapolitan Commedia dellʼArte by world
reknown and master of the Commedia dellʼArte form..... Antonio Fava

What: Preview performance by Antonio Fava and Cecilio Di Donato
Where:Woodward Theatre in the QUT Kelvin Grove Campus
When: Sunday 30th May 2010 4.00pm - 5.30pm

Ticket price: Adults: $28.00 per person  Children: $13.00 per person


Friday 28 and Saturday 29 May 2010

FRIDAY 28 MAY 2010

“Commedia per te” ... for you

“a poco a poco” ...little by little - Combined schools drama students
Directed by Tony Kishawi

A group of drama students drawn from the Brisbane district high schools combine to produce 30 minutes of Commedia mayhem and madness. 'Little by little' you'll be seduced by their charm and talent into the magical world of Commedia, where you, the audience, become a snippet of the scene, a piece of the plot, a magnet for the mayhem.

“Glue” - Birdwing Lane Theatre
Written by Karlo Bran
Directed by Ben Cornfoot, with Clint Bolster and Tammy Weller.

George has invented glue! He's convinced it's going to change the world, but his wife Wendy just isn't impressed. Ah, the trials of matrimony. This could be a short but sweet snapshot of the trials and tribulations of married life, a comment on how modern society stifles our creative juices, a condemnation of monogamy, or just ten minutes of funny stuff. Featuring Commedia-trained actors (who kept changing the lines), Birdwing Lane Theatre presents an absurdist, random, off the wall comedy that will stick in your head like... Glue!

“Commedia Viva” - Commedia Academy of Australia
Written by Antonio (Giri) Mazzella & Giovanni (Sanjiva) Margio

Never heard of Commedia? Well, you're not alone! Now is your chance to meet the characters of the Commedia dell’Arte; agile Arlecchino, lazy Pulcinella, blustering Capitano, miserly Pantalone, pompous Dottore, the swooning Sweethearts, and others.
Learn historical background and social context of early theatre as you laugh your way through comedic skits and scenarios - entertaining for both the novice and the expert

Plus more

What: Commedia dell’Arte Evening Performances
Where: Woodward Theatre - QUT Kelvin Grove Campus
When: Friday 28 May, 2010 - 7.30pm

Ticket Price for this evening’s performances: Adults: $38.00 pp



“Festa Commedia”

La Signora presents iSize - Corrina Di Niro - Interform

iSize takes a cheeky look at the modern day corporate woman.

A blend of burlesque & dance…just what is a woman to do when caught in such a dilemma?

The Black Nonnas - Commedia Academy of Australia
Written by Antonio (Giri) Mazzella & Giovanni (Sanjiva) Margio

They're big they're black and they're hairy - these Nonnas are the Italian Grandmothers your mother warned you about!

Maria and Antonietta are on the lookout for husbands, pasta or vino. They enjoy mangling traditional Italian songs about death, tragedy and donkeys.

“Womenʼs Breath” - Carmencita Palemo

Written by Carmencita Palermo

Feminine masks coming to life through dance and music.

Be entertained by the different faces of the feminine mask. A performance merging East and West based on the Balinese Topeng mask dance technique and the Italian Commedia dell'Arte. It is a joyful journey that will take you through Asia, the Middle East and South America. It's an interactive perfomance that will mesmorise you into the rhythm....

Plus more

What: Commedia dell’Arte Evening Performances
Where: Woodward Theatre - QUT Kelvin Grove Campus
When: Saturday 29 May, 2010 - 7.30pm

Ticket Price for this evening’s performances: Adults: $38.00 pp



“Inside the Mask” - 3 days of fun and exploratory workshops 28, 29 and 30th May 2010

Our theme “Inside the Mask” this year sets the stage for exploring the performer’s experience and perspective. We’ll take a look out from inside the mask - and it’s not just about history - from understanding the inside we can recreate the mayhem and carnival that is.....Commedia dell ‘Arte

Presenters such as :
Antonio Fava Italy
Gerard Boland NSW
Robin Davidson ACT
Carmencita Palermo Tas
Corinna Di Niro SA
Commedia Academy of Australia WA
Tony Kishawi QLD

as well as individual Commedia performers, actors and drama students.

What: Commedia dell’Arte Workshops
Where: Studios QUT Kelvin Grove Campus
When: Twenty one workshop sessions on 28, 29 and 30th May 2010

PLEASE SEE WEBSITE:  for details and registration form

Where to find us...

Follow the signs to the Woodward Theatre!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Musical Concert During the Treasury Casino Italian Motor Expo

Be serenaded as you enjoy the Italian Motor Expo by some of Brisbane’s leading orchestras and concert band – beautiful Italian Vehicles and Classical music – the perfect setting for a Sunday afternoon!

Brisbane Regional Youth Orchestra (BRYO)
The Brisbane Regional Youth Orchestra is a fun and vibrant youth orchestra organization fostering young people’s love for music and giving them orchestral training with a difference

Where: Reddacliff Place, between Brisbane Square (the BCC building) and the Treasury Casino
When: Sunday 30th May 10.30pm to 11.30pm

St John Ambulance Concert Band
St John Ambulance Concert Band, is one of Brisbane’s oldest bands, having been formed in 1919 by its first conductor, Albert Kaeser. A community band, consisting of approximately 30 members, with a wide range of ages and diverse backgrounds.

Where: Reddacliff Place, between Brisbane Square (the BCC building) and the Treasury Casino
When: Sunday 30th May 12.00pm to 1.00pm

Musical Concert in Queen Street Mall

Sit back, relax, and enjoy your Saturday afternoon to the beautiful live sounds of some of Brisbane’s best orchestras and bands. Italian Week is holding a free Musical Concert in Queen Street Mall on the 29th of May, which features performances by the Queensland Youth Orchestra - Junior String Ensemble, the Brisbane Municipal Concert Band and the Brisbane Symphonic Band.

From 2:30 to 3:10
The Junior String Ensemble was formed in 1975 as a training group for string players aged up to 15 years. With 70 players aged from 9 to 15, the ensemble teaches members the skills of ensemble playing and orchestral discipline before they proceed to the other QYO orchestras.

From 3:30 to 4:15
Brisbane Municipal Concert Band is Brisbane's oldest continuously playing community concert band. Formed in 1903, they have a rich history of entertaining the people of Brisbane.

From 4.30pm to5.30pm
The Brisbane Symphonic Band is one of Brisbane's premier community bands with origins that date back to 1976. The band, currently conducted by Stefanie Smith, regularly performs in own series concerts, at local and international festivals and as part of the Brisbane City Council's Bands in the Park program.

The Musical Concert in Queen Street Mall promises to be an entertaining event, and one that you shouldn’t miss!

Where: Queen Street Mall Stage

When: Saturday 29th of May
• Queensland Youth Orchestra - Junior String Ensemble: 2:30-3:10
• Brisbane Municipal Concert Band: 3:30-4:15
• Brisbane Symphonic Band: 4.30pm-5.30pm

More Information: FREE EVENT- No booking required

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Queensland Gallery of Modern Art - Australian Cinémathèque

The Australian Cinémathèque, located at the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art, presents retrospective and thematic film programs and exhibitions, exploring the important lines of influence between the moving image and other areas of visual culture, and showcasing the work of influential filmmakers and artists. Its mission is to collect, conserve, present and interpret film and screen culture.

The Gallery’s film and moving-image collection includes work by significant international, Asian, Pacific, Australian and Indigenous Australian artists. Other collection development areas include video art that responds to the specific history and genres of cinema; animation, especially from Asia; and conceptual art and its legacy through performance

Stanthorpe State High School

Stanthorpe State High School is a school of approximately 650 students from Years 8-12 situated in Stanthorpe, on the Granite Belt. The school has always combined a respect for tradition with innovation and community involvement. The House Teams, named after local identities Withers, Wright, Langan and Finch and the school motto, Altiora Petentes (Striving for Higher Things) have been with the school since 1961 and represent its traditions.

Cortina Restaurant

Assoc. Toscani nel Mondo

Assoc. Toscani nel Mondo: Our association was formed to provide social & cultural activities for Tuscan immigrants, their families & friends. It is recognized by Florence in Italy as Queensland’s official social & cultural organization for Tuscany. Each year, we promote the Tuscan culture by organizing dinners, lunches, exhibitions & various socio-cultural gatherings. The association keeps in constant contact with the Tuscan region & in particular one of its provincial cities: Lucca.

Di Bella Coffee

At Di Bella Coffee, coffee is our passion, pleasure and way of life.

Di Bella Coffee, Australia’s fastest growing coffee company offers a coffee journey from crop to cup.
The company boasts two roastery’s, in Bowen Hills in Brisbane and in North Melbourne, with a third opening in Adelaide in 2009. Over 900 cafes throughout Australia serve Di Bella Coffee, creating over 1 million cups of coffee each week.

At Di Bella we roast our hand-selected, high grade beans daily to assure you of the freshest cup of coffee and most exquisite aromas.

With a combined experience of more than a decade, Di Bella expertly selects and roasts only the highest quality beans from around the world to produce full-bodied flavours and uniquely complex blends.

At Di Bella you are always guaranteed the finest products, personalised service and the quality coffee ensuring you always receive the ultimate coffee experience...